Innovation and childhood — Innovation Hangar

Innovation and childhood

What does Innovation look like to children? 

Go Girls Camp - A 2-week summer program to empower young girls to take center stage. 

Go Girls Camp - A 2-week summer program to empower young girls to take center stage. 

To me it looks like a creative process, a fun yet challenging period that  includes struggles, critical thought, and self-doubt. It's teamwork at its finest, cooperation, and self-advocacy. It's not always a place of succeeding either, but it is a place of constantly moving forward. When I see children interacting with one another and the world around them, I become inspired. It's not hard to become inspired by children; they see things differently than us adults do. Adults are nothing more than fully grown children that have learned how to fit in, yet we lose our sense of creativity because we learn to fit in. We often picture our children as the next Steve Jobs or Marissa Mayer, yet the process to achieving such great heights can be dangerous. The challenge is going against the standard, that is where we lose our individuality and along with it; our ability to innovate. 

Meriam Webster defines innovation as a new idea, device, or method. They also define innovation as the act or process of introducing new ideas, devices, or methods.  

Children see innovation differently than us adults do, they're not afraid to take bold risks and that is a beautiful thing to see. They charge ahead, eager to explore, create, and to live out an adventure. We can learn quite a bit from watching children; If you want to learn how to bring more innovation into your life you need only to watch the masters, your children.